Course Details


Course schedule
Time (CET) Activity In your timezone
3:00 PM Introduction In your timezone
3:15 PM Module 1 In your timezone
4:40 PM Break In your timezone
4:55 PM Module 2 In your timezone
6:20 PM Break In your timezone
6:35 PM Module 3 In your timezone


First, we will give you a short introduction to the tools used to teach the course. Then, the course will consist of three modules of 85 minutes each, with each module including theoretical input and practical exercises.

Module 1

The first module will provide a basic introduction to R with RStudio (40 minutes), structural equation modelling in general, and using SEMinR (45 minutes).

Module 2

The second module will provide a deeper understanding of how to construct a model (40 minutes) and introduce estimation techniques using a pre-selected data set (45 minutes).

Module 3

The last module addresses evaluating and reporting models. It will teach how to draw conclusions from results and inform on how to generate sensible models. This module is half lecture (40 minutes) and half exercise (30 minutes + 15 minutes presentation). We will finish by providing follow-up material on reproducibility on YouTube.