Course Instructors

Your instructors include key authors, maintainers, and contributors of the SEMinR package (Ray, Danks, and Calero Valdez 2021). Click on the names to find out more.


André Calero Valdez is a Professor for Human-Computer Interaction and Usable Safety Engineering at the University of Lübeck.

Lilian Kojan is a PhD candidate at the University of Lübeck.

Nicholas Danks is a Professor of Business Analytics at Trinity Business School at Trinity College Dublin.

Soumya Ray is a Distinguished Professor of Service Science at the National Tsing Hua University.


Ray, Soumya, Nicholas Danks, and André Calero Valdez. 2021. “SEMinR: Domain-Specific Language for Building, Estimating, and Visualizing Structural Equation Models in r.” Estimating, and Visualizing Structural Equation Models in R (August 6, 2021).